Antisemitism & Anti-Hate Position Statement

The Nora Project unequivocally condemns worldwide occurrences of antisemitism and all other forms of identity-based hate.

Our work focuses on disability inclusion, empathy, and belonging in education — and we know that what happens in one part of the world can have devastating impacts on learners everywhere.

It is therefore the continued statement of The Nora Project that there is no right or wrong, better or worse way to be a person or to express one’s identity. All children and educators have the inherent human right to show up at school as their authentic selves, to see themselves reflected in curriculum and the school environment, and to receive an education that allows them to build a strong sense of identity-pride. Further, all children and educators have the right to feel safe and cultivate a sense of belonging at school and in the community, without fear of discrimination based on their identity — all of which is so crucial to wellbeing.

Together, we must commit to honoring one another’s humanity and uniting against hate in all its forms. 

With hope and action for a more empathetic future,
The Nora Project

Katie Carr